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Dale R Trythall Jr. " Trail "   -   ProRider Philadelphia Owner / Instructor 

I started my law enforcement career and became a police officer in May 1994. I started working in several smaller police departments in Berks County Pennsylvania. I was a motor officer in Brecknock Township Police Department and in the City of Reading Police Department. In June of 1998, I was hired by the City of Reading. I am still actively serving there. I was a partol officer, a field training officer, a school resource officer. I am currently in the Traffic Unit.  I ride the police department Harley-Davidson motors as part of my duties. I am a certified police motorcycle officer. I am a certified police motorcycle instructor through Texas A&M Extension Services. This was a 120 hour instructor training course that I attended in July 2021 at the West Virginia State Police Academy. I attended the Northwestern University Traffic Institute and received my Basic Police Motorcycle Operator Training Course in August 1994. I attended the Philadelphia Police Department’s Highway Patrol Unit Wheel School for the 80 hour Police Motorcycle Operator Training in July 2020 as a refresher. I am an Emergency Vehicle Operations Control (EVOC) instructor. I trained cadets in the police academy in the emergency driving operations of police vehicles. I am a certified Basic Medical Tactical Instructor by the U.S.A. Department of Homeland Security.

In addition to my police motorcycle experience and training. I have been a certified motorcycle safety RiderCoach / instructor for the Pennsylvania Motorcycle Safety Program (PennDOT) since July 1992 to the present. I am a Nationally certified RiderCoach with the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.  March 2016 to January 2018, I was a Harley-Davidson Riding Academy certified RiderCoach in Pennsylvania. I am also an instructor/trainer for Total Control Training Inc. I have taught, trained, and licensed numerous students over these years to learn how to ride motorcycles from the basic riding courses, to the intermediate riding courses, to the advanced riding courses and the 3 wheel riding courses. I teach the PAMSP motorcycle classes and ProRider classes at Schaeffer's Harley-Davidson dealership. I am a ProRider Philadelphia franchise owner and instructor since January 2021. I am now teaching the ProRider courses as well. ProRider is modeled after the 80 hour basic police motorcycle operator course. ProRider is an advanced training that is offered to any rider that is looking to take their riding skills to the next level. In March 2024, I became a certified Lead Instructor for the Road Guardians Accident Scene Management Bystander Assistance Program,

During my police career. I have competed in police motorcycle rodeos. I have also seen and investigated numerous motorcycle crashes and fatalities involving riders of all ages and all skill levels. The common causes of these crashes were that these riders lacked the necessary knowledge and physical skills that are needed to be in total control over their machines. These riders lacked the necessary skills for safely negotiating intersections and corners and did not have the other much needed crash avoidance riding skills. Your life depends on how well you can handle your motorcycle in unexpected situations. This is why I am so passionate about teaching motorcycle safety courses. It’s because I am a lifelong learner of motorcycle training. You must keep your motorcycling skillset at the top of your game. I also want to pass on my motorcycling knowledge, experience, training, and techniques that I have learned to other riders. I want to help give them the tools to be safer riders.  The ProRider  courses I teach will give me that chance to reach even more motorcyclists and help them to be better and safer so they can save their own lives. Also  by becoming a Road Guardians Accident Scene Management Lead Instructor, I will now also be able to pass on the Accident Scene Management tools and skills to my students to help them to be able to reduce injuries and fatalities to a downed rider should they come upon a motorcycle crash scene.


My love for motorcycles and riding started at the age of 8 years old.  When my dad got me my first dirt bike motorcycle and taught me how to ride. I currently own a Harley-Davidson Street Glide, Honda CBR 600F4i, and  did have a Kawasaki KDX 220.


I am married and have a daughter and son. I taught my son how to ride motorcycles when he was 8 years old. I also taught him to ride street motorcycles and to get his motorcycle license when he was 18 years old. In my spare time when I am not riding or teaching motorcycle classes, or karate classes. I enjoy studying and teaching Ryu Kyu Hon Kenpo Kobujutsu Karate and Kobudo. I was 8 years old when I started karate. I am a Rape Aggression Defense System certified instructor. The R.A.D. system is a women’s only self-defense course. I teach R.A.D. classes at a local college and other places too. I am a certified scuba diver and swift water rescue certified as well.

Ernest Kopecky - ProRider Philadelphia Chief Instructor

Ernest started riding in the summer of 2009. He is a Motorcycle Officer with Lower Chichester Township Police Department. He has completed the following motorcycle training: MSF PA Basic Rider, MSF PA Basic 2 Rider, and MSF PA Advanced Rider; Harley Davidson Basic Rider's Edge; Primary, Advanced Level I, Advanced Level II, and Primary Police Motorcycle Operator Training at Midwest Police Motorcycle Training; Philadelphia Highway Patrol Wheel School; as well as the ProRider Precision & Control, Defensive Riding, Advanced Riding, and Instructor's courses; and is a certified Police Motorcycle Instructor through ProRider Motorcycle Training, ICE, Inc. Over the years, he has accumulated a total of over 534 hours of training primarily with Police motorcycle instructors, but also with civilian instructors, approximately 400 hours of on range practice time, and over 50 hours of teaching time as an Assistant Instructor and over 232 hours as an instructor with ProRider, Philadelphia; he is currently the Chief Instructor for ProRider, Philadelphia. He continues to refine his motorcycle riding skills through yearly training at Midwest Police Motorcycle Training or ProRider. He currently rides a duty 2020 HD Road King Police and a personal 2013 HD Road King Police for teaching and training.


Jeff Lampinski - ProRider Philadelphia Instructor

A certified Police Motorcycle Officer with the Upland Police Department, Jeff has ridden a motorcycle for nearly 30 years. He completed his civilian training through the MSF Basic, MSF Advanced, and ProRider Precision & Control, Defensive Riding, and Advanced Riding Programs. As a motor officer, he earned his Police Motorcycle Officer Certification through the Philadelphia Highway Patrol Wheel School, and again through the Texas A&M Engineering School (TEEX) Police Motor Operator Training Program. Jeff trains frequently at Philadelphia Highway Patrol, where he recertifies annually. He currently rides a duty 2016 HD Electra Glide Police and a personal 2019 HD Electra Glide Police for teaching and training.

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